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Definition: Reliability refers to the quality or state of being dependable, trustworthy, or able to be relied upon. It is the measure of consistency and faithfulness in performance or the ability to produce consistent and accurate results.

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Sense 1: The quality of being reliable or trustworthy.

Example sentence: The company's reliability is evident in their consistent on-time delivery of products.

Related products: Trustworthy Company Books, Dependability Accessories

Sense 2: The extent to which an experiment, test, or measurement yields consistent and accurate results.

Example sentence: The reliability of the data collected was questioned due to inconsistent measurements.

Related products: Measurement Accuracy Tools, Reliable Statistics Guides


Sense: Describing something that can be depended upon or trusted.

Example sentence: A reliable car is essential for long road trips.

Related products: Reliable Car Accessories, Dependence and Trust Resources


Sense: In a reliable, dependable, or trustworthy manner.

Example sentence: The system performed reliably during the entire test.

Related products: Trustworthy Performances on DVD, Dependable Service Providers

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