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Term: Rejuvenate


Rejuvenate is a verb that means to restore or refresh something, often bringing it back to a former state of vitality, energy, or youthfulness. It can also refer to the process of reviving or revitalizing someone's physical or mental well-being.

Sense 1 - Verb (Transitive):

To make something or someone feel or appear young, fresh, and full of energy again.

Example Sentence:

"After a relaxing vacation, the spa treatment rejuvenated her tired body and mind."

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Sense 2 - Verb (Transitive):

To restore or improve the condition of something, especially after a period of neglect or wear.

Example Sentence:

"The renovation project completely rejuvenated the old historic building, making it a popular tourist attraction."

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Sense 3 - Verb (Intransitive):

To feel refreshed or restored oneself, especially after a period of rest or relaxation.

Example Sentence:

"After a good night's sleep, she woke up feeling rejuvenated and ready to tackle the day ahead."

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Sense 4 - Adjective:

In local usage, rejuvenate can also be used as an adjective to describe something popular, trendy, or appealing to a younger audience.

Example Sentence:

"The new coffee shop is always filled with young customers, as it offers a rejuvenate vibe that resonates with the local community."

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