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Description: Reinsurers are companies that provide insurance coverage to other insurance companies. In the insurance industry, insurers transfer part of their risk to reinsurers in order to protect themselves from large and catastrophic losses.

Senses and Usages:

  1. Noun: A reinsurer is a company that assumes the risk of another insurer in exchange for a premium.
  2. Verb (Present Tense): The act of reinsuring involves a company taking on the risk transferred by another insurer.
  3. Verb (Past Tense): Insurers reinsured their policies to mitigate potential losses.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The reinsurers play a crucial role in the insurance market by providing stability and protecting insurers from extreme financial impacts.
  2. ABC Reinsurers offers comprehensive coverage for property and casualty insurance companies.
  3. After a series of major natural disasters, many insurers sought to reinsure their policies with more experienced companies.
  4. The company opted for reinsuring its high-value assets to minimize risk exposure.

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