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Definitions from WordNet

Verb rehearse has 1 sense
  1. rehearse, practise, practice - engage in a rehearsal (of)
    --1 is one way to perform, execute, do
    Derived form: noun rehearsal1
    Sample sentence:
    They will rehearse the duet

Definitions from the Web

Term: rehearsed

Part of Speech: Verb (Past tense of "rehearse")

Definition: To practice or repeat a performance or piece of information, typically for a play, musical, speech, or presentation.

Example sentence: The actors rehearsed their lines diligently before the opening night.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Definition: Prepared or practiced in advance.

Example sentence: She delivered a rehearsed speech that impressed the audience.

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: A run-through of a performance or speech to practice and refine it.

Example sentence: The band members had several rehearsals before the big concert.

Part of Speech: Adverb

Definition: In a practiced or prepared manner.

Example sentence: The magician performed the trick smoothly and rehearsedly.

Related products on Amazon: Rehearsal DVDs, Rehearsal Music, Rehearsal Scripts

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