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Definitions from WordNet

Verb refurbish has 1 sense
  1. refurbish, renovate, freshen up - make brighter and prettier; "we refurbished the guest wing"; "My wife wants us to renovate"
    --1 is one way to regenerate, renew
    Derived form: noun refurbishment1
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something

Definitions from the Web



Refurbishing refers to the process of renovating, repairing, or restoring an item to its original or improved condition. It involves revitalizing a product or space to make it functionally and aesthetically appealing again.


1. Noun:

- The act or process of renovating or repairing something, typically an item or space.

2. Verb (transitive):

- To renovate, repair, or restore an item, often by cleaning, fixing, or replacing components to enhance its functionality and appearance.

3. Verb (intransitive):

- To engage in the act of refurbishing.


- The refurbishing of the old house took several months, but now it looks as good as new.

- The company specializes in refurbishing antique furniture to preserve their historical value.

- She decided to refurbish her wardrobe by adding new accessories and altering some old outfits.

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