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Definition: A household appliance designed to keep food and drinks at a low temperature in order to preserve freshness and prevent spoilage.

Example sentences:

  1. I need to buy a new refrigerator to replace our old one.
  2. Please don't leave the milk out of the refrigerator for too long; it might spoil.
  3. Be sure to store the leftovers in the refrigerator to keep them fresh.


Definition: Referring to something or someone that has a positive reception and appeals to a broad audience.

Example sentences:

  1. Her latest book became a refrigerator hit, selling millions of copies worldwide.
  2. The band's new album has gained a lot of refrigerator popularity among music lovers.
  3. The movie's storyline is relatable and its humor is universally appealing, making it a refrigerator choice for all audiences.


Definition: To cool or preserve something by placing it in a refrigerator.

Example sentences:

  1. Could you please refrigerate the cake so it doesn't melt?
  2. It's important to refrigerate the perishable groceries as soon as you get home from the store.
  3. Don't forget to refrigerate the sauces overnight for better flavor.
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