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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective recriminative has 1 sense
  1. recriminative, recriminatory - countering one charge with another; "recriminatory arguments"
    Antonym: exculpatory (indirect, via inculpatory)

Definitions from the Web


Definition: Describing or pertaining to the act of mutually accusing or blaming each other.

Part of Speech: Adjective


  1. Engaging in the action of accusing or blaming one another.
  2. Characterized by mutual accusations or blame between individuals or groups.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The argument became recriminative as both parties started accusing each other of causing the mishap.
  2. In a recriminative manner, the siblings exchanged bitter words, blaming each other for their parents' separation.
  3. The recriminative atmosphere in the meeting hindered any progress towards finding a solution.

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