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reconnaissance vehicle


Definitions from WordNet

Noun reconnaissance vehicle has 1 sense
  1. reconnaissance vehicle, scout car - fast armored military vehicle with four-wheel drive and open top
    --1 is a kind of military vehicle; self-propelled vehicle

Definitions from the Web

Reconnaissance Vehicle

Definition: A reconnaissance vehicle is a military vehicle used for gathering information, conducting surveillance, and scouting enemy positions or territory.



  1. The army deployed several reconnaissance vehicles to gather intel on enemy movements.
  2. The specialized features of a reconnaissance vehicle enable it to operate in challenging terrains.
  3. The driver skillfully maneuvered the reconnaissance vehicle through dense forests while avoiding detection.


  1. The reconnaissance vehicle unit was well-equipped and highly trained.
  2. The soldiers unloaded the reconnaissance vehicles from the transport plane.
  3. He was responsible for maintaining the reconnaissance vehicle fleet.

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