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receptacle loads


Definitions from the Web

Term: Receptacle Loads


Receptacle Loads refers to the electrical devices or appliances that are connected to electrical outlets or receptacles. These loads draw electrical power from the main power supply through the receptacles and contribute to the overall electrical load of a building or system.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1:

In the context of electrical engineering, receptacle loads are the electrical devices connected to outlets.

Example Sentence: The receptacle loads in the living room include a television, a gaming console, and a floor lamp.

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Sense 2:

In the field of construction, receptacle loads refer to the electrical devices connected to wall outlets.

Example Sentence: The contractor has calculated the total receptacle loads for the office building to ensure the electrical system can handle the power requirements.

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Sense 3:

In a specific local context, such as a neighborhood or community, receptacle loads may refer to the load generated by electrical devices in a particular area.

Example Sentence: The increased receptacle loads during the summer season strain the power grid in our locality.

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