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Term: Realtors


Realtors, also known as real estate agents, are licensed professionals who assist individuals in buying, selling, and renting properties. They are experts in the local real estate market, providing valuable guidance and support throughout the entire process.

Possible Parts of Speech, Senses, and Usages:


1. A Realtor refers to a licensed professional who is an expert in buying and selling properties.

2. Realtors play a crucial role in facilitating real estate transactions, ensuring a smooth process for buyers and sellers alike.


1. To find the perfect property, it is recommended to consult with a Realtor who can guide you through the search and negotiation process.

2. Realtors help clients in listing their property for sale and actively market it to potential buyers.


1. Working with a realtor assures you of professional guidance and expertise when making real estate decisions.

2. A realtor's knowledge of the local market is invaluable in determining the fair value of a property.

Sample Sentences:

1. I hired a Realtor to help me find my dream home in the city.

2. The Realtor showed us several houses before we found one that met all our requirements.

3. She decided to become a Realtor after a successful career in property management.

4. I highly recommend consulting a Realtor before making any major real estate investments.

5. The couple enlisted the services of a Realtor to sell their house quickly.

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