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rauli beech


Definitions from WordNet

Noun rauli beech has 1 sense
  1. rauli beech, Nothofagus procera - large Chilean timber tree yielding coarse lumber
    --1 is a kind of southern beech, evergreen beech
    --1 is a member of Nothofagus, genus Nothofagus

Definitions from the Web

Rauli Beech


Rauli beech is a type of hardwood tree native to South America, particularly in Chile and Argentina. It belongs to the Nothofagus genus and is known for its attractive reddish-brown timber. The wood is highly valued in the woodworking industry for its durability and versatility.

Part of Speech:



1. [Botany] A deciduous tree of the Nothofagus genus, native to South America, commonly found in Chile and Argentina.

2. [Woodworking] The timber obtained from the rauli beech tree, often used for various applications such as furniture, flooring, and cabinetry.


1. The rauli beech, also known as Nothofagus alpina, is a beautiful tree that changes colors during the fall.

2. The rauli beech timber is highly sought after by furniture makers for its rich color and smooth texture.

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