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rambutan tree


Definitions from WordNet

Noun rambutan tree has 1 sense
  1. rambutan, rambotan, rambutan tree, Nephelium lappaceum - Malayan tree bearing spiny red fruit
    --1 is a kind of fruit tree
    --1 is a member of Nephelium, genus Nephelium
    --1 has parts: rambutan, rambotan

Definitions from the Web

Rambutan Tree

Noun: A tropical evergreen tree belonging to the Sapindaceae family, native to Southeast Asia, which bears round, hairy fruits called rambutans.

Example sentence: The rambutan tree is a common sight in fruit orchards across Malaysia.

Noun: The fruit-bearing tree of the rambutan, typically reaching a height of 10 to 20 meters, with glossy leaves and clusters of red or yellow fruits.

Example sentence: The rambutan tree in our garden provides a bountiful harvest every summer.

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