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ram s-head lady s slipper


Definitions from the Web

Ram's-head Lady's Slipper


The ram's-head lady's slipper is a rare and endangered species of orchid native to North America. It is known for its unique and intricate flower structure, resembling the head of a ram.

Sense 1 - Noun (Plant):

The ram's-head lady's slipper is a beautiful wildflower found in moist woodlands, often growing in clusters. Its graceful petals, with a mixture of pink, white, and purple hues, make it a cherished sight among plant enthusiasts.

Example sentence: The ram's-head lady's slipper is a protected species due to its limited population and fragile habitat.

Sense 2 - Noun (Sculpture):

The ram's-head lady's slipper is also an artistic sculpture that resembles the flower. Crafted from various materials, such as bronze or clay, these sculptures serve as decorative pieces in homes and gardens.

Example sentence: The garden adorned with ram's-head lady's slipper sculptures created a whimsical and enchanting atmosphere.

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