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raisin bread


Definitions from WordNet

Noun raisin bread has 1 sense
  1. raisin bread - bread containing raisins
    --1 is a kind of
    bread, breadstuff, staff of life

Definitions from the Web

Raisin Bread


Raisin bread, also known as cinnamon raisin bread, is a type of bread that is made with added raisins and flavored with cinnamon. It is typically sweet and has a soft texture.


As a Noun:

1. I love having a slice of warm raisin bread with butter for breakfast.

2. The bakery down the street sells the most delicious raisin bread.

As an Adjective:

1. The sweet aroma of freshly baked raisin bread filled the kitchen.

2. She made a tasty raisin bread pudding for dessert.

As a Verb:

1. The recipe instructs to raisin bread by mixing raisins into the dough.

2. He decided to raisin bread to add a twist to his usual plain bread recipe.

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