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Definitions from the Web

Term: rage

Part of Speech: noun

Sense 1: Intense anger or fury

Sample Sentence 1: She was consumed by rage after discovering the betrayal.

Sense 2: A violent or uncontrollable anger

Sample Sentence 2: The news ignited a rage within him that he couldn't contain.

Sense 3: An intense or widespread enthusiasm or excitement

Sample Sentence 3: The concert triggered a rage among the crowd, resulting in a wild frenzy.

Term: rage

Part of Speech: verb

Sense 1: To feel or express rage; to be furious

Sample Sentence 1: He raged against the injustice of the situation.

Sense 2: To continue with great force or intensity

Sample Sentence 2: The storm raged outside while we sought shelter indoors.

Term: rage

Part of Speech: adjective

Sense 1: Very popular or fashionable

Sample Sentence 1: This season, neon colors are all the rage.

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