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radioactive dust


Definitions from WordNet

Noun radioactive dust has 1 sense
  1. fallout, radioactive dust - the radioactive particles that settle to the ground after a nuclear explosion
    --1 is a kind of dust

Definitions from the Web

Term: radioactive dust


Radioactive dust refers to tiny particles that have become contaminated with radioactive material. These particles can be released into the environment through various means such as nuclear explosions, nuclear accidents, or the breakdown of radioactive substances. Radioactive dust poses a significant health hazard as it can be inhaled or ingested, leading to long-term health problems including radiation sickness, cancer, and genetic mutations.

Sample Sentences:

  • The workers wore protective suits to prevent the inhalation of radioactive dust.
  • After the nuclear meltdown, the area was covered in radioactive dust.
  • Researchers analyzed the radioactive dust particles to determine the source of contamination.
  • Despite the cleanup efforts, traces of radioactive dust remained in the surrounding soil.

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