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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective rabbinical has 1 sense
  1. rabbinical, rabbinic - of or relating to rabbis or their teachings; "rabbinical school"

Definitions from the Web


Definition 1: Adjective - Relating to rabbis or their teachings

Describes anything that has to do with rabbis or their teachings.

Example: The synagogue organized a rabbinical conference to discuss modern interpretations of ancient texts.

Definition 2: Adjective - Relating to the authority of rabbis in Jewish law

Relates to the authority of rabbis in Jewish law.

Example: The religious court made a decision based on rabbinical law.

Definition 3: Adjective - Popular or widely accepted

Refers to something that is widely accepted or popular among the Jewish community.

Example: The rabbinical tradition of fasting on Yom Kippur is widely observed.

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