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Definitions from WordNet

Noun quasiparticle has 1 sense
  1. quasiparticle - a quantum of energy (in a crystal lattice or other system) that has position and momentum and can in some respects be regarded as a particle
    --1 is a kind of

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A quasiparticle is a type of particle that exists in a solid or liquid, which behaves like a particle despite being made up of multiple interacting particles. Quasiparticles can carry properties such as charge, spin, or energy, and emerge as collective excitations of the underlying particles.


  • Sense 1: In physics, a quasiparticle refers to an entity that appears to be a particle, but is actually a collective excitation of many particles.
  • Sense 2: In condensed matter physics, a quasiparticle is an emergent entity resulting from the interactions of constituent particles in a material.


  • Usage 1: Quasiparticles are extensively studied in the field of solid-state physics.
  • Usage 2: Understanding the behavior of quasiparticles is crucial for investigating various quantum phenomena.
  • Usage 3: Quasiparticles play a significant role in condensed matter research, aiding in the comprehension of material properties.


  1. Sense 1: The exciton is a quasiparticle composed of an electron and a hole in a semiconductor material.
  2. Sense 1: The phonon, a quasiparticle related to lattice vibrations, facilitates the transfer of heat in solids.
  3. Sense 2: The plasmon is a quasiparticle that arises from the collective oscillations of electrons in a metal.
  4. Sense 2: In a superconductor, Cooper pairs are quasiparticles responsible for the phenomenon of superconductivity.

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