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Definitions from WordNet

Noun quarreler has 1 sense
  1. quarreler, quarreller - a disputant who quarrels
    --1 is a kind of disputant, controversialist, eristic
    Derived form: verb quarrel1

Definitions from the Web


A quarreler is a person who frequently engages in arguments or disputes with others.

Meaning and Usage

1. Noun: A quarreler refers to someone who has a tendency to argue or fight with others.

Example sentence: He was known as the neighborhood quarreler, always getting into heated arguments over trivial matters.

2. Noun: In legal terms, a quarreler may indicate a person involved in contentious litigation or lawsuits.

Example sentence: The courtroom was filled with quarrelers, each fighting to prove their case.

3. Adjective: Quarreler can also be used as an adjective to describe someone or something that is inclined to provoke arguments or disputes.

Example sentence: The article was written in a quarreler tone, intentionally challenging the readers' beliefs.

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