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Definitions from WordNet

Noun pygmy has 2 senses
  1. pygmy, pigmy - an unusually small individual
    --1 is a kind of small person
  2. Pygmy, Pigmy - any member of various peoples having an average height of less than five feet
    --2 is a kind of small person

Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective


  1. (Noun) A member of a group of small-sized indigenous people in Central Africa, usually characterized by their short stature.
  2. (Noun) A term used to refer to any small or diminutive person, animal, or thing.
  3. (Adjective) Relating to or characteristic of pygmies.



  1. The Mbuti pygmies of the Congo live deep within the tropical rainforest.
  2. Mythological stories often depict pygmies as mischievous forest dwellers.
  3. We learned about the pygmy tribes during our anthropology class.


  1. He has pygmy goats as pets, which are known for their small size.
  2. These pygmy elephants are only found on the island of Borneo.
  3. I bought a pygmy cactus for my office desk.

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