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lacking courage or determination; timid; cowardly.


1. Timid or fearful: Characterized by a lack of courage or determination; showing cowardice.

2. Lacking confidence: Displaying a lack of self-assurance or conviction; easily intimidated.


Popular usage: In everyday language, the term "pussilanimous" is commonly used to describe individuals who exhibit a lack of bravery or tend to shy away from challenges.

Local usage: Although not a frequently used word in local dialects, in certain regions, particularly in literary circles, "pussilanimous" is employed to portray characters with a weak or feeble disposition.

Sample Sentences

1. The pussilanimous child hid behind their mother when faced with the barking dog.

2. Despite his intelligence and potential, his pussilanimous nature prevented him from pursuing his dreams.

3. The manager's pussilanimous decision to avoid confrontation only led to further problems in the workplace.

4. Sarah's pussilanimous response to criticism jeopardized her chances of success in the competitive field.

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