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pure absence


Definitions from WordNet

Noun pure absence has 1 sense
  1. pure absence, simple absence - petit mal seizure without other complications; followed by 3-per-sec brain-wave spikes
    --1 is a kind of petit mal epilepsy, absence

Definitions from the Web

Pure Absence


In its most basic sense, "pure absence" refers to a state of complete nonexistence or the lack of presence. It signifies the absence of something or someone without any influence or presence of any sort.


  • Noun: Her departure left a pure absence in our lives – a void that cannot be filled.
  • Adjective: The room was filled with silence and a sense of pure absence, making it eerie and unsettling.
  • Adverb: He disappeared suddenly, leaving me in a state of pure absence, wondering where he had gone.
  • Verb: The magician performed an illusion making objects pure absent from the table.

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