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puppy fat


Definitions from WordNet

Noun puppy fat has 1 sense
  1. puppy fat - fat on the body of a baby or child; disappears at adolsecence
    --1 is a kind of
    adipose tissue, fat, fatty tissue

Definitions from the Web

Puppy Fat


Puppy Fat refers to the excess body fat that is often found in young children, especially during their early years of growth. It is a term commonly used to describe the rounded and plump appearance of a child's face or body due to their rapid physical development.

Sample Sentences:

  1. My little cousin still has some puppy fat, but he'll grow out of it as he gets older.
  2. During her childhood, Sarah had adorable rosy cheeks thanks to her cute puppy fat.
  3. It's completely normal for toddlers to have a bit of puppy fat as their bodies are still developing.
  4. Some parents worry about their child's puppy fat, but it usually disappears naturally as they become more active.
  5. The pediatrician reassured us that our son's puppy fat would decrease as he becomes taller.

Senses and Usages:

  • Noun: The excess body fat present in young children during their early years of growth.
  • Adjective: Describing the rounded and plump appearance of a child's face or body.

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