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puppet leader


Definitions from WordNet

Noun puppet leader has 1 sense
  1. puppet ruler, puppet leader - a leader or ruler who is chosen by a despot to head a government
    --1 is a kind of ruler, swayer; leader

Definitions from the Web

Puppet Leader

Definition: A puppet leader refers to a person who holds a position of authority or leadership but is effectively controlled or influenced by others, especially those with more power or influence.

Sense 1 (Noun): A leader who is seen as acting on behalf of another, often with limited autonomy.

Example sentence: The dictator appointed a puppet leader to maintain the illusion of a democratic government.

Sense 2 (Noun): A political leader who is controlled by a foreign power for their own interests.

Example sentence: The small nation's puppet leader was nothing more than a figurehead for the neighboring superpower.

Sense 3 (Noun): A leader or figurehead who has no actual power or influence and is merely used to divert attention from those who truly hold the reins.

Example sentence: The CEO appointed a puppet leader to take the blame for the company's failures, while he quietly made all the important decisions.

Related products: Books on Puppet Leadership

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