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prussian asparagus


Definitions from WordNet

Noun prussian asparagus has 1 sense
  1. bath asparagus, Prussian asparagus, Ornithogalum pyrenaicum - Old World star of Bethlehem having edible young shoots
    --1 is a kind of star-of-Bethlehem

Definitions from the Web

Prussian Asparagus


Prussian asparagus, also known as white asparagus, is a type of asparagus that is highly prized for its tender and delicate flavor. It is cultivated by keeping the spears covered with soil, preventing exposure to sunlight, which results in the characteristic pale appearance. Prussian asparagus is a popular and sought-after ingredient in many cuisines around the world.

Senses and Usages:

1. Noun - Culinary Usage:

In culinary terms, Prussian asparagus refers to the tender shoots of the asparagus plant that are harvested before they emerge from the ground. It is typically peeled and enjoyed in a variety of dishes.

Example sentence: The gourmet restaurant offers a delectable dish of Prussian asparagus served with a tangy hollandaise sauce.

2. Adjective - Historical Reference:

The term "Prussian asparagus" is also used historically to refer to a tall, slender person, often with a rigid demeanor, reminiscent of the stereotype associated with Prussian militarism.

Example sentence: The strict professor, with his stoic expression and towering height, resembled a Prussian asparagus.

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