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proved to


Definitions from the Web

Term: proved to Description: The term "proved to" is a phrasal verb that indicates the action of demonstrating or confirming something. It can be used in various contexts and can have different meanings based on the sentence structure. Sample sentences: 1. Verb usage (past tense): - The detective proved to the court that the suspect was innocent. - The experiment proved to be successful, exceeding all expectations. - Her dedication to her studies proved to everyone that she was capable of achieving great things. 2. Verb usage (present tense): - I hope my hard work and effort prove to be fruitful in the long run. - The new marketing strategy is expected to prove to be very effective. - The evidence presented in the trial will prove to the jury that the defendant is guilty. 3. Adjective usage: - His proved-to skills in coding landed him a high-paying job in a renowned tech company. - We need a proved-to solution that can solve this problem once and for all. - The proved-to method of training has helped many athletes achieve their goals. HTML Format: Term: proved to

The term "proved to" is a phrasal verb that indicates the action of demonstrating or confirming something. It can be used in various contexts and can have different meanings based on the sentence structure.

Sample sentences:
  1. Verb usage (past tense):
    • The detective proved to the court that the suspect was innocent.
    • The experiment proved to be successful, exceeding all expectations.
    • Her dedication to her studies proved to everyone that she was capable of achieving great things.
  2. Verb usage (present tense):
    • I hope my hard work and effort prove to be fruitful in the long run.
    • The new marketing strategy is expected to prove to be very effective.
    • The evidence presented in the trial will prove to the jury that the defendant is guilty.
  3. Adjective usage:
    • His proved-to skills in coding landed him a high-paying job in a renowned tech company.
    • We need a proved-to solution that can solve this problem once and for all.
    • The proved-to method of training has helped many athletes achieve their goals.

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