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Definitions from the Web


Part of speech: Noun

Definition: The act or manner of pronouncing words; pronunciation.

Example sentences:

  1. His prononc of foreign names was impeccable.
  2. She struggled with the prononc of the word "onomatopoeia".
  3. Learning the correct prononc of words is essential for effective communication.

Part of speech: Adjective

Definition: Well-pronounced or articulate.

Example sentences:

  1. He had a prononc voice that commanded attention.
  2. The soprano's prononc singing impressed the entire audience.
  3. In order to be understood, it is important to have prononc diction.

Part of speech: Verb

Definition: To utter or articulate a word or sound.

Example sentences:

  1. He tried to prononc the name correctly, but it came out wrong.
  2. She could not prononc the difficult consonant correctly.
  3. He struggled to prononc the word in the foreign language.

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