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prompter's box


Definitions from WordNet

Noun prompter's box has 1 sense
  1. prompt box, prompter's box - a booth projecting above the floor in the front of a stage where the prompter sits; opens toward the performers on stage
    --1 is a kind of booth, cubicle, stall, kiosk
    --1 is a part of proscenium, apron, forestage

Definitions from the Web

Prompter's Box


The prompter's box is a small cubicle located at the side of a theater stage where a prompter sits and provides actors with their lines when they forget or go off-script during a performance. It is an essential part of theatrical productions, ensuring a smooth flow of dialogue and preventing any disruptions.


Sense 1:

Noun - A small cubicle at the side of a theater stage where a prompter sits.

Example Sentence: During the play, the actor glanced at the prompter's box to remember his next lines.

Related Products: Theatre Prompter on Amazon

Sense 2:

Noun - The position or role of a prompter in a theater production.

Example Sentence: She was thrilled when she got the job as the prompter's box for the upcoming musical.

Related Products: Theater Prompter Roles on Amazon

Sense 3:

Noun - The physical box used to house prompter's equipment and resources.

Example Sentence: The prompter's box was equipped with a microphone and a script to assist the actors on stage.

Related Products: Theater Prompter's Box on Amazon

Sense 4:

Adjective - Referring to something related to or characteristic of a prompter's box.

Example Sentence: The actress left her prompter's box notes backstage to ensure she didn't miss any cues.

Related Products: Prompter Box Accessories on Amazon

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