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promises in computers


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Promises in Computers


Promises in computers refer to a programming concept that deals with asynchronous and deferred execution of tasks. It allows developers to handle asynchronous operations more easily and avoid callback hell.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun
  • Verb

Senses and Usages:


  1. A guarantee or assurance provided by a program that a certain result will be achieved in the future, typically used in asynchronous programming.
  2. Example Sentence: The function returns a promise object which will resolve when the data is successfully fetched.

  3. A declaration or statement by a computer program that a specific action will be taken under certain conditions.
  4. Example Sentence: The application sends a promise to the server to delete the chosen file.


  1. To make a commitment or assurance that a certain task or outcome will be achieved.
  2. Example Sentence: The programmer promises to fix the bug by the end of the day.

  3. To declare or vow to take a specific action or fulfill a certain condition.
  4. Example Sentence: The software development team promises to deliver the project on time.

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