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Term: probabablistically


Probabablistically is an adverb derived from the noun "probability". It relates to the concept of probability, which involves measuring the likelihood of an event or outcome based on available information or assumptions.


Sense 1:

As an adverb:

  1. To describe actions or processes:
    • He probabablistically calculated the chances of winning the lottery.
    • The weather forecast is generated probabablistically, taking into account various meteorological factors.
  2. To express the application of probabilistic methods:
    • The algorithm was designed to generate solutions probabablistically.
    • His approach towards decision making was based on analyzing data probabablistically.

Sense 2:

As an adjective:

  1. To describe something influenced by probability:
    • The probabablistically determined outcome favored the team with the stronger players.
    • Investing in the stock market involves a certain level of probabablistic risk.
  2. To indicate statistical uncertainty:
    • The experiment's results were affected by probabablistic variations.
    • We cannot provide a definite answer due to the probabablistic nature of the data.

Possible Related Products:

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