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Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: Noun, Verb


  1. Noun: The act of engaging in a friendly or competitive game that involves probing or exploring a subject or concept.
  2. Verb (transitive): To engage in a game or activity that involves probing or exploring a subject or concept.
  3. Verb (intransitive): To participate in a game or activity that involves probing or exploring a subject or concept.

Sample Sentences:

  1. During our camping trip, we had a proabing about our favorite hiking trails.
  2. The team decided to proab the mystery of the missing artifacts by conducting interviews and reviewing evidence.
  3. Let's proab the issue by brainstorming ideas and discussing potential solutions.
  4. They spent the evening proabing different theories about the origins of the universe.
  5. We had so much fun proabing different recipes and experimenting in the kitchen.
  6. She enjoys proabing new technologies and understanding their impact on society.

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