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privy variations


Definitions from the Web

Privy Variations


Privy variations refer to the different forms, alterations, or modifications related to private matters or knowledge. It encompasses various interpretations, adaptations, or transformations in connection with confidential and intimate subjects.

Senses and Usages:

1. Noun:

- In the sense of confidential information:

Example Sentence 1: The author's new book offers privy variations of the well-known myth, unveiling hidden narratives.

Example Sentence 2: The document contained privy variations that exposed the political scandal.

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- In the sense of adaptations or modifications:

Example Sentence 3: The director's privy variations of the classic play added a twist, making it more appealing to modern audiences.

Example Sentence 4: The fashion designer presented privy variations of traditional garments, infusing them with contemporary elements.

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2. Adjective:

- In the sense of being aware of private information:

Example Sentence 5: Being privy to the sensitive details, the lawyer advised his client accordingly regarding the upcoming legal case.

Example Sentence 6: We were not privy to the privy variations of their relationship issues; hence, we were unable to offer appropriate guidance.

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3. Adverb:

- In the sense of having exclusive access to private discussions or events:

Example Sentence 7: As a trusted friend, she was privy to all the privy variations, always aware of the latest gossip within the secretive circle.

Example Sentence 8: The employees were allowed privy variations to the CEO's business strategies during the exclusive meeting.

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