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princeton university


Definitions from WordNet

Noun princeton university has 1 sense
  1. Princeton University, Princeton - a university in New Jersey
    --1 is a kind of university
    --1 is a part of Princeton
    --1 is a member of Ivy League

Definitions from the Web

Princeton University


Princeton University is a prestigious private Ivy League research university located in Princeton, New Jersey.

Sample sentences:

Noun (Proper)

  1. Princeton University offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs.
  2. Founded in 1746, Princeton University is one of the oldest universities in the United States.

Adjective (Related)

  1. The Princeton University campus is known for its stunning architecture.
  2. She dreams of attending Princeton University one day.

Verb (Limited Usage)

  1. She was thrilled to be accepted into Princeton University.
  2. He plans to Princeton University for his PhD.

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Princeton University Apparel
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