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Term: presumptuous


Presumptuous is an adjective used to describe someone who is excessively bold or forward, often displaying overconfidence or arrogance. It refers to a person or their actions that confidently assume too much without proper justification or evidence.


1. Showing excessive confidence, overstepping appropriate boundaries.
2. Arrogantly assuming something without proper evidence.
3. Acting in a way that implies superiority or entitlement.


Popular Usage:

1. He made a presumptuous remark about her appearance without considering her feelings.
2. The new employee was deemed presumptuous for suggesting drastic changes in the company's structure.
3. It is presumptuous of him to assume that he will automatically get the promotion.

Local Usage:

1. In our neighborhood, it is considered presumptuous to decline an invitation unless there is a valid excuse.
2. The locals found his presumptuous behavior offensive and disrespectful toward their cultural traditions.
3. It is seen as presumptuous here to speak before being asked to.

Sample Sentences:

1. The actor's presumptuous attitude made him unpopular among his colleagues on set.

2. She was often criticized for her presumptuous habit of interrupting others during conversations.

3. The speaker's presumptuous claims undermined his credibility in the eyes of the audience.

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