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press clipping


Definitions from WordNet

Noun press clipping has 1 sense
  1. clipping, newspaper clipping, press clipping, cutting, press cutting - an excerpt cut from a newspaper or magazine; "he searched through piles of letters and clippings"
    --1 is a kind of excerpt, extract, selection

Definitions from the Web

Press Clipping


A press clipping is a published article or excerpt from a newspaper, magazine, or other printed material that is carefully cut out or copied and preserved for reference.


Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1: Preservation of Published Articles

Press clippings serve as a means to preserve and archive noteworthy articles or news stories from various print media sources.

Example sentence: I keep a folder of press clippings from my favorite magazines to reference for writing inspiration.

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Sense 2: Media Monitoring and Analysis

In the realm of public relations and media monitoring, press clippings are used to track and assess a company's or individual's media coverage.

Example sentence: The PR team analyzed the press clippings to gauge the public's perception of their latest product launch.

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Sense 3: PR Strategy and Press Relations

Press clippings also aid in developing PR strategies and maintaining positive press relations by having a record of published articles about a company or individual.

Example sentence: The CEO regularly reviews press clippings to stay updated on the public's perception of their brand.

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