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Prescreening refers to the process of evaluating or examining something or someone beforehand, typically to determine suitability, eligibility, or qualifications.

Part of Speech:

Noun, verb


1. Noun - Evaluation process

In this sense, prescreening is the act or process of evaluating someone or something before making a further decision.

Example: The job applicant underwent a series of prescreening tests to assess their abilities.

2. Verb - Evaluate beforehand

In this sense, to prescreen means to assess or evaluate someone or something in advance.

Example: The university prescreens all applicants to ensure they meet the minimum requirements.


1. Popular usage

Prescreening is commonly used in the context of job applications, vetting potential employees, or assessing individuals for eligibility.

Example: The company conducts prescreening interviews to filter out unsuitable candidates.

2. Local usage

In a local context, prescreening can refer to preliminary assessments carried out by specific organizations or agencies.

Example: The healthcare center offers prescreening services to detect early signs of diseases.

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