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Definitions from WordNet

Noun prelone has 1 sense
  1. prednisolone, Pediapred, Prelone - a glucocorticoid (trade names Pediapred or Prelone) used to treat inflammatory conditions
    --1 is a kind of glucocorticoid; anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory drug

Definitions from the Web



Prelone is a corticosteroid medication used to treat various conditions, including allergies, asthma, arthritis, certain skin disorders, and certain types of cancer.

Parts of Speech

  • Noun: Prelone can refer to the brand name of the medication or the active substance prednisolone.

Sample Sentences

As a noun (referring to the brand name):

  • My doctor prescribed Prelone to help manage my severe allergies.
  • You can purchase Prelone online or at your local pharmacy.
  • Prelone is manufactured by several pharmaceutical companies.

As a noun (referring to the active substance):

  • The generic version of Prelone is often more affordable than the brand name.
  • When taking prednisolone, it is important to follow the prescribed dosage.
  • Prednisolone, the active ingredient in Prelone, has anti-inflammatory properties.

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