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practice bundling


Definitions from WordNet

Verb practice bundling has 1 sense
  1. bundle, practice bundling - sleep fully clothed in the same bed with one's betrothed
    --1 is one way to sleep, kip, slumber, log Z's, catch some Z's
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s

Definitions from the Web

Practice Bundling


Practice bundling is a marketing strategy in which multiple services or products are combined and offered together as a package to the consumers.



  1. The gym offers practice bundling by including personal training, fitness classes, and access to the swimming pool in one membership package.
  2. Many streaming platforms provide practice bundling by bundling different online entertainment subscriptions into a single package.


  1. The company decided to practice bundle their popular video game console with an extra controller and a game to attract more customers.
  2. By practice bundling various software tools and offering them at a discounted price, the company aimed to increase sales and customer loyalty.

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