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positive feedback


Definitions from WordNet

Noun positive feedback has 1 sense
  1. positive feedback, regeneration - feedback in phase with (augmenting) the input
    --1 is a kind of feedback
    --1 has particulars: vicious circle, vicious cycle

Definitions from the Web

Positive Feedback

Noun - Definition 1:

Positive feedback refers to the process of providing constructive comments, suggestions, or evaluations to enhance or encourage someone's performance or progress.

Example sentence: The manager gave positive feedback to the employee for completing the project ahead of schedule.

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Noun - Definition 2:

In the context of electronics or control systems, positive feedback is a mechanism where the output signal is fed back into the input, reinforcing or amplifying the original signal.

Example sentence: The microphone produced a loud screeching sound due to the positive feedback in the speaker system.

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Noun - Definition 3:

In biological systems, positive feedback is a self-amplifying process where an initial change leads to further increases in that change.

Example sentence: During childbirth, positive feedback occurs as contractions become stronger and more frequent.

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Noun - Definition 4:

Positive feedback can also refer to approving or complimentary comments or reactions in response to something.

Example sentence: The author received positive feedback from readers about her new novel.

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Positive feedback, as an adjective, describes comments or responses that are supportive, encouraging, or optimistic.

Example sentence: The student felt motivated and appreciated after receiving positive feedback from the teacher.

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Positive feedback, as a verb, means to provide constructive comments or evaluations with the intention of encouraging or improving someone's performance or progress.

Example sentence: The mentor positively feedbacked the mentee's presentation, highlighting the strengths and offering suggestions for improvement.

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