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Definitions from WordNet

Noun polyborus has 1 sense
  1. Polyborus, genus Polyborus - a genus of Falconidae
    --1 is a kind of bird genus
    --1 is a member of Falconidae, family Falconidae
    --1 has members:
     Audubon's caracara, Polyborus cheriway audubonii; carancha, Polyborus plancus

Definitions from the Web


Noun - Zoology: A genus of birds of prey in the family Falconidae, commonly known as caracaras. They are native to the Americas and known for their scavenging behavior.

Example sentence: The Polyborus bird soared above the forest, searching for carrion to feast upon.

Noun - Botany: A genus of tropical plants in the family Bromeliaceae, commonly known as urn plants. They are characterized by their distinctive flower shape and are often cultivated for ornamental purposes.

Example sentence: The colorful Polyborus plant added a vibrant touch to the garden.

Adjective: Pertaining to or characteristic of the Polyborus genus.

Example sentence: The Polyborus feathers were used in traditional headdresses.

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