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Term: Poltergeist


Sense 1: In folklore, a poltergeist is a type of ghost or spirit that is known for its mischievous, noisy, and often disruptive behavior.

Sample Sentence:

"The family claimed that their house was haunted by a poltergeist, as objects would frequently move or break without any explanation."

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Sense 2: In popular culture, poltergeist refers to a supernatural entity portrayed in movies, books, and other media, typically associated with haunted houses and paranormal activity.

Sample Sentence:

"Poltergeist, the classic horror film released in 1982, depicted a terrifying poltergeist haunting a suburban family, resulting in intense paranormal events."

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Sense: Describing something as poltergeist-like means it resembles or is reminiscent of the attributes or behavior associated with poltergeists.

Sample Sentence:

"The old, creaky house had a poltergeist-like atmosphere, with strange noises and unexplained phenomena occurring on a regular basis."

Amazon Search for Poltergeist-themed Decor


Sense: To poltergeist means to behave in a mischievous or disruptive manner, often creating noise or chaos.

Sample Sentence:

"During the sleepover, the children decided to poltergeist around the house, banging pots and making spooky sounds to scare each other."

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