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Term: Political


Political is an adjective that refers to anything related to politics, government, or the activities, actions, and policies used to gain and hold power in a government or to influence the government. It can also describe something that is related to or concerned with the affairs of a country or region.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1:

Related to politics or government.

Example sentence: The political climate in the country is tense due to recent policy changes.

Related products: Political books

Sense 2:

Concerned with the affairs of a country or region.

Example sentence: The local newspaper provides in-depth coverage of political events in our town.

Related products: Political magazines

Sense 3:

Influencing or attempting to influence government policy.

Example sentence: Many organizations organize political campaigns to advocate for change.

Related products: Political activism products

Sense 4:

Relating to or involved in politics rather than being strictly academic or practical.

Example sentence: She pursued a degree in political science to further her career in government.

Related products: Political science books

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