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Podcasting is the process of creating and distributing digital audio or video files in a series, typically available for download or streaming. It allows users to subscribe to a podcast and receive automatic updates whenever new episodes are released. Podcasting has gained immense popularity as a form of entertainment, education, and storytelling.

Sense 1: Noun (Popular Usage)

Definition: The act of producing and distributing audio or video content in a serialized format, usually via the internet.

Example sentence: I listen to various podcasting shows on my daily commute to stay updated on the latest news and popular culture.

Related products: Podcast Microphones

Sense 2: Verb (Popular Usage)

Definition: The action of creating and publishing a podcast.

Example sentence: He spent several hours podcasting his thoughts and experiences about the recent travel destinations.

Related products: Podcast Recording Equipment

Sense 3: Noun (Local Usage)

Definition: The act of broadcasting locally-relevant content for a specific community or area.

Example sentence: Our community radio station focuses on podcasting, sharing compelling stories and discussions that are relevant to our local residents.

Related products: Radio Mixing Boards

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