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plow horse


Definitions from WordNet

Noun plow horse has 1 sense
  1. plow horse, plough horse - a horse used to pull a plow
    --1 is a kind of workhorse

Definitions from the Web

Plow Horse

Noun (Animal)

1. A strong domesticated horse used primarily for pulling a plow or other farming equipment.

Example sentence: The farmer relied on his trusty plow horse to sow the seeds in the field.

Noun (Figurative)

1. A person who works diligently and tirelessly.

Example sentence: She is a real plow horse, always putting in extra hours at the office.

Noun (Sports)

1. A racehorse that consistently performs well but rarely wins.

Example sentence: Despite being a reliable plow horse, it struggled to secure a victory at the championship.

Noun (Slang)

1. A marijuana cigarette, also known as a joint.

Example sentence: Jake smoked a plow horse while hanging out with his friends.

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