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Definitions from WordNet

Noun plethora has 1 sense
  1. overplus, plethora, superfluity, embarrassment - extreme excess; "an embarrassment of riches"
    --1 is a kind of excess, excessiveness, inordinateness
    --1 has particulars: redundancy, redundance

Definitions from the Web



A plethora is an excessive or large amount of something

Sense 1:

Noun: An excessive or overabundant quantity of something

Example: The buffet offered a plethora of food options.

Sense 2:

Noun: A large or excessive number of choices or possibilities

Example: The museum had a plethora of art pieces to choose from.

Sense 3:

Noun: A condition of excessive fullness; the state of being completely filled or overloaded

Example: After the feast, he experienced a plethora of discomfort in his stomach.

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