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Definitions from WordNet

Adverbial piteously has 1 sense
  1. piteously - in a piteous manner
    Derived from adjective

Definitions from the Web


Part of speech: Adverb

Sense 1: In a manner that evokes or expresses feelings of pity, sadness, or distress.

Usage 1: The homeless child looked up at passersby and pleaded piteously for some spare change.

Usage 2: She recounted her harrowing experience piteously, hoping someone would console her.

Part of speech: Adjective

Sense 2: Characterized by or showing pity, sadness, or distress.

Usage 3: The piteous sight of the abandoned puppy tugged at the woman's heartstrings.

Usage 4: He gazed into her piteous eyes, feeling an overwhelming urge to comfort her.

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