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pink shower tree


Definitions from WordNet

Noun pink shower tree has 1 sense
  1. pink shower, pink shower tree, horse cassia, Cassia grandis - tropical American semi-evergreen tree having erect racemes of pink or rose-colored flowers; used as an ornamental
    --1 is a kind of cassia

Definitions from the Web

Pink Shower Tree


Pink Shower Tree refers to a flowering tree known for its beautiful pink blossoms. It belongs to the Caesalpinia pulcherrima species and is native to tropical and subtropical regions.

Parts of Speech

  • Noun


Sense 1: A flowering tree with pink blossoms.

Sense 2: Pink Shower Tree wood, often used in carpentry or furniture making.


Popular Usage: Many people grow Pink Shower Trees in their gardens for their beautiful blooms.

Local Usage: The Pink Shower Tree is often hailed as the floral symbol of a particular region.

Sample Sentences

Sentence 1 (Sense 1): The garden was adorned with the vibrant pink blossoms of the Pink Shower Tree.

Sentence 2 (Sense 2): The carpenter crafted a stunning dining table using Pink Shower Tree wood.

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