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Definitions from WordNet

Noun pilaff has 1 sense
  1. pilaf, pilaff, pilau, pilaw - rice cooked in well-seasoned broth with onions or celery and usually poultry or game or shellfish and sometimes tomatoes
    --1 is a kind of dish
    --1 has particulars: bulgur pilaf

Definitions from the Web



(plural: pilaffs or pilaffes)

  1. A Middle Eastern and Central Asian dish made of seasoned rice cooked in broth or other flavorful liquids, often with added meat, vegetables, or dried fruits.
  2. Example Sentence: I ordered a delicious lamb pilaff at the Turkish restaurant.


  1. To prepare or cook rice in the style of a pilaff.
  2. Example Sentence: He pilaffed the rice with a perfect blend of spices and herbs.


  1. Relating to or characteristic of pilaff.
  2. Example Sentence: The restaurant offered an extensive selection of pilaff dishes.

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