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picus viridis


Definitions from WordNet

Noun picus viridis has 1 sense
  1. green woodpecker, Picus viridis - woodpecker of Europe and western Asia
    --1 is a kind of woodpecker, peckerwood, pecker
    --1 is a member of Picus, genus Picus

Definitions from the Web

Picus Viridis


Picus viridis is a Latin term that refers to the European green woodpecker, a species of woodpecker commonly found in Europe and parts of western Asia.

Parts of Speech

  • Noun - singular: picus viridis, plural: pici viridis


  1. Referring to the species of woodpecker (Noun)
  2. Used to describe the color or appearance of something as resembling the European green woodpecker (Adjective)


1. Noun - European green woodpecker:

The picus viridis is known for its distinctively colored plumage and its distinct call.

2. Adjective - resembling the European green woodpecker:

The leaves of the tree had a picus viridis hue, blending seamlessly with the woodland surroundings.

Sample Sentences

1. The picus viridis is the largest woodpecker species found in Europe.

2. During our nature walk, we were lucky to spot a pair of pici viridis foraging for insects.

3. The sound of the picus viridis' drumming echoed through the forest.

4. The artist used shades of green to create a painting with a picus viridis palette.

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