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Definitions from WordNet

Noun pickax has 1 sense
  1. pick, pickax, pickaxe - a heavy iron tool with a wooden handle and a curved head that is pointed on both ends; "they used picks and sledges to break the rocks"
    --1 is a kind of edge tool
    --1 has particulars: mattock

Definitions from the Web



A pickax is a tool with a pointed end on one side and a broad, flat blade on the other. It is commonly used for breaking up hard ground or rock.

Parts of Speech:




Sense 1:

(Noun) A tool with a pointed end on one side and a broad, flat blade on the other.

Example sentence: He used a pickax to break the rocks in the garden.

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Sense 2:

(Verb) To use a pickax to break or loosen the ground.

Example sentence: They pickaxed the concrete floor to prepare it for the new tiles.

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